A review by elevetha
Bury the Living by Jodi McIsaac


**An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

I did enjoy this a good bit - it kept me interested throughout, the writing was pretty good, I liked the characters well enough and especially the female friendship between Pidge and Nora, and the romance was blessedly light. But I had some issues with it,
Spoilermainly regarding Brigid and how her character was treated, mostly due to the integration of Celtic mythology, which is cool except when it's messing with Catholicism. To be honest, this book mostly treated Catholics about as well as could be expected for a while, but then even when the Catholics themselves were still treated decently, Catholicism as a whole was getting the short end of the stick. I get that this is fantasy and clearly isn't supposed to be real, but when you make St. Brigid also the goddess Brigid of the Tuatha De Danann, that's where the wires are a bit too crossed. So when Nora is pondering that

"Being Catholic and believing in the gods and warriors of legend weren't mutually exclusive."

