A review by yvo_about_books
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare


Finished reading: May 22nd 2015
Rating 3

“I don't want to be a man," said Jace. "I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead."
"Well," said Luke, "you're doing a fantastic job.”


While I was reading City Of Ashes I couldn't stop asking myself: how many love triangles does a story need? Seriously, there are so many different love triangles in this second book of The Mortal Instruments series that it's becoming ridiculous. And I'm not even talking about what is going on between Jace and Clary... THAT is just seriously messed up.. Sure, the story has a fast pace and Cassandra Clare is using a prose that is easy to read and even funny at times. But I'm having serious difficulties with some of the characters and their behavior. I won't be going into details to avoid spoilers, but those who've read this sequel already will probably understand what I'm talking about. There are quite a few plot twists and while some are quite interesting, others are plain cheesy. I already have a copy of the next two books on my TBR shelf, but I'm not so sure I will actually continue this series any time soon...


WARNING: Possible spoilers! Please don’t read this summary if you haven’t read City Of Bones yet. I’ll keep the summary super short but it’s impossible to keep it completely spoiler-free…

After all that happened, Clary just wants her normal life back. But that is not as easy as it seems, because the Shadowhunter world doesn't seem to be done with her. With her mother in the hospital with a coma, Luke being a werewolf and her newfound brother Jace being a Shadowhunter, things are just not that easy. Besides, Valentine is still out there planning something evil and he isn't going to stop until he finished whatever he is trying to do. It's up to the Shadowhunters to stop him before it's too late... And they are trying to solve the Downworlder children murders as well. Who can they really trust and will they be able to win the fight against Valentine?


I actually liked the prequel trilogy The Infernal Devices way better and I don't think I will continue The Mortal Instruments series any time soon. I found the characters and their actions really annoying and I don't think I can take any more love triangles for now. I'm not saying this is a bad read and it's actually quite well written and funny at points, but I think there are way better YA fantasy series out there that I would prefer reading instead. This one turned out to be too much of a cheesy romance novel for my taste...

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.