A review by lynseyisreading
The Watcher by Jeanne C. Stein


Question: Could Anna Strong BE any more of a tramp?

Okay. Let me set the scene. She comes home to find a naked dude in her bed, fast asleep. So, what does dear, sweet Anna do? Shout "Hey you! Whatcha doing in my bed? Get the hell out!" No wait! I've got it. She takes off all of HER clothes, climbs into bed with him, and starts playing with his boy bits! Then she chews on his neck for a bit, until he finally speaks, and she realizes IT'S HER BOYFRIEND! -and that's a bad thing obviously. Because you wouldn't want to be manhandling your ACTUAL BOYFRIEND would you Anna? Oh no. That wouldn't be nearly trampy enough for you, would it? I'm mean, you've already cheated on him twice in the previous two books. Third time's a charm, right?

*deep cleansing breaths* Ah, that's better.

I officially quit this series. It has to be one of the worst ever. In the whole world. Possibly the Universe.