A review by eleellis
The Fallen by Carrefour Ltd, Ace Atkins


The Fallen is the seventh book by Ace Atkins involving his Quinn Colson character and each novel becomes better and better.

What I like about this series is that it has avoided becoming stale. It also lacks the appearance of being assembled with a cookie cutter-like formula, so often found with novels involving recurring characters and settings.

Atkins brings back familiar and earlier introduced characters and allows them to grow and progress through his novels. He also introduces new characters and villains, some clearly quite dangerous.

In this novel, Colson finds himself in the middle of an investigation involving highly trained bank robbers, with skills he respects and believes have been developed through military training. Along the way, his foes included the returning of Fannie Hathcock, who is slowly revealed to be quite cagey and very dangerous. Other villains remain hidden below the surface, with the promise of being revealed later in future installments.

Additional plotlines are included, which later converge along with the main storyline.

The Fallen is highly recommended and I envy the reader that gets to pick up this series from the start for the first time because each novel grows.

The bad thing about receiving an advanced reader's copy of The Fallen is the anticipation of waiting for the next novel because Atkins clearly has set that one in motion to pick up where this one has left off.