A review by annaptobias
The Archived by V.E. Schwab


After a while, you could tell where the story was going. It's almost expected that each time a YA lead mentions something that they're not supposed to do, they themselves make a bad life choice and go ahead and do that thing.

I really hate being that person who says, "this novel reminds me of such-and-such" other work of fiction but I will be that person right now. Mackenzie's ability and sensitivity to sound reminds me so much of the main ability of [b:Sekret|15673520|Sekret (Sekret, #1)|Lindsay Smith|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1372782569s/15673520.jpg|21330653]'s heroine (though I've yet to finish this book too), with a little bit of Sookie Stackhouse mixed in.
SpoilerMackenzie's interactions and response to Owen reminded me so much of Sookie's reaction to Bill and why she liked him so much -- because he's quiet...because he's dead.