A review by beth5677
Before Hadley by J. Nathan


****I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Net-galley in exchange for an honest review. ****
Hadley is a girl in a small town somewhere in Georgia. She can’t wait to graduate and off to college to study art. She has everything all planned out. Caynan is the new boy in town, who Hadley had completely labeled as a player. Caynon had never met a girl who could resist him or one he’s wanted so badly and Hadley has done both. As Caynan and Hadley interact a relationship begins to form. A relationship that can ruin everything for Caynan. Caynan has spent most of his life move from one town to another keeping everyone at arm’s length until he meets Hadley.
I really enjoyed this book a lot more than I first thought I would. At the start I thought it was going to be YA contemporary romance. At times it felt like a Nicholas Sparks novel, but better. It made me cry, tore my heart at one point and made me cheer at the end. If you are a fan of Sparks or John Green I think you should give this book a try.