A review by saucy_bookdragon
The Baronet's Song by George MacDonald


So I'm gonna keep this short because I don't have that many thoughts on this, here's the things I do want to say:

-it is very well written, I feel like often classics seem very pretentious and wordy but I feel like this was the right balance of intelligent writing and easy to read and understand.

-it's short!! A short classic!!! If only the font weren't so tiny . . .

-I do wish the font was bigger because that +having less than a week to read this (well TECHNICALLY I had two months but I procrastinated, why am I like this????) I found myself skimming unintentionally way to much, I think that's why I don't have much to say because I don't feel like I entirely understood the story.

-I get what MacDonald was trying to do with Gibbie and trying to make him a Christ-like figure (this is technically Christian literature which despite me being Christian myself I don't often read because reasons I'm about to explain) but honestly is ANYONE inspired by characters who have no internal problems? Gibbie is good inside and out, which I have nothing against good characters, but he never has ANY temptation??? Really?? There is literally not one flaw about him. This is why I don't often read Christian fiction because it can be preachy in a way that doesn't help. Even Jesus was tempted, several times, by Satan himself. So this is telling me that Gibbie, a little kid in an extremely rough situation, never even considers sinning???? Honestly isn't it more inspiring if a character has flaws like a normal human being yet ends up victorious anyway? Did I miss his flaws somewhere?*

Spoilerand no I will not consider a possible genetic disposition for alcoholism as a flaw because a) he is never tempted to drink, he knows well enough not to by seeing how destructive it was on his father and b) this was written before they had a good understanding of genetics, I'm not a historian so I don't know if they considered alcoholism a trait you can pass down but I doubt it.