A review by nooneyouknow
The Painter by Peter Heller


Oh, how I wanted to love this one as much as I loved [b:The Dog Stars|13330761|The Dog Stars|Peter Heller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388122817s/13330761.jpg|18538203]. And how this one just fell a little short. Heller is a master of beautiful landscape writing - really making it a character in his books - and has an honest connection to fly fishing, but The Dog Stars just brought me closer to the land and water of that story than The Painter did. (Maybe that says more about me than the story, but I'm ok with that.) I also thought Jim, the main character, had a rather choppy voice that didn't resonate with me all that well. Overall worth the read, but I won't be recommending this one as freely as I do The Dog Stars.