A review by kodermike
Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey


Abaddon's Gate welcomes back James Holden and his motley crew in the third volume of the Expanse. At the end of Caliban's War the alien artifact that wreaked havoc emerged from the cloud cover of Venus, it's construction work complete. A giant ring is ejected into the outer solar system, where came to a rest, waiting.

The ring is a gateway, a portal to someplace else. Little is known about the other side, but our friend Miller is back from the dead again to urge Holden to take action. Readers familiar with the Expanse know that wherever Holden is, there is usually conflict. Earth, Mars, and the PTO are all racing to the ring, as much to make sure no one else can stake a claim as to find out what's on the other side of the ring.

And so our story begins.

The first two books reminded us that space opera didn't have to span a galaxy, that the story could be just as epic confined to our own heliosphere. Abaddon's Gate takes us back to the realm of the classic space opera, replete with the Big Dumb Object, bizarre changes in the laws of physics, and a glimpse at an ancient, cosmos spanning civilization.

In other words, pure awesome fun.

Working with both a few regulars and a new fresh cast of character perspectives, Abaddon's Gate is as much about what we find on the other side of the ring as what we bring through with us. Sometimes the greatest threat to humanity is humanity itself.