A review by crystald14
A Christmas Promise by Mary Balogh


At the outset, I must say that I was excited to read this one after [b:Christmas Beau|1401173|Christmas Beau|Mary Balogh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350421355s/1401173.jpg|1391366] and thought it would be heart warming. In a sense, it was towards the end. But there were a whole lot of facepalms from me before I got there.

Mostly it was because of Eleanor. Granted she knew nothing about Randolph and thought he married her for money, but she doesnt even bother to listen to him and not just be so prickly about everything. Even when Randolph is nice to her, she is mean at times for no reason at all. And she just believes in every cliche of a supposed aristocrat. In the beginning, it is justified, but afterwards she purposely puts up a defence mechanism of it. And thank God Randolph sees through that. He gets better as time goes. And is more open and willing to give his marriage a chance. Only I didnt like the fact that he did
Spoiler cheat twice with his mistress after marriage

The Christmas with the Transomes, the interactions between Ellie and Randy *sic* are better and the book leaves you happy in the end. It does make me happy for Christmas :)

Takeaway: Work on any relationship you've undertaken and start with a clean slate. Let go of misconceptions and communicate at all times.