A review by gibrangraham
Avengers: Endless Wartime by Warren Ellis, Clark Gregg, Mike McKone


Held off for awhile because I wanted this to be great and worried that my excitement for the project would instantly lead me to disappointment. In the end, the book was too long for what it was and too short for what it could of been. Ellis' effort to weave real world parallels into an exploration of the main characters' psyches is admirable yet feels disjointed in the story's presentation with the artwork by McKone. The intention to use Endless Wartime as a comic book jumping on point for new readers post-Avengers film fans feels there in the beginning, but gets lost along the way as the book's theme struggles to overcome the story's threat visually. Perhaps what I really wanted here was an Avengers Global Frequency-esque one shot I could initiate people with.