A review by qlazeoloqy
The Watcher, by Joan Hiatt Harlow


I would not recommend this book if you’re looking for a good book that takes place in Germany during World War II.

The main character, Wendy, was supposed to be 15. However, as the story continued, it felt like I was reading about a child no older than 10 (the cover even depicts Wendy as a younger looking child). As far as the German language and culture, there were plenty of inaccuracies. Something that stuck out to me was that in the first couple of pages, there’s a breakfast but the breakfast is described as a simple American breakfast. Had the author done any research she would’ve understood the breakfasts in Germany are typically more of a hearty meal. As far as the language goes itself, there were a lot of inaccuracies. For example, when saying your name in German, you don’t say “Ich bin...” you say “Ich heiße...” Another one was when Wendy said “To zum Bahnhof.” But, you don’t say “To” since “zum” is the word for “to.”

I couldn’t help but keep finding things that were wrong or strange when I was reading. It’s not something I would recommend if you’re wanting a good depiction of German culture or the German language. Also, not a good read if you’re wanting a good historical fiction book either.