A review by gerireads
More to Give by Terri Osburn


4 delightful stars!

Sam Edwards is the mysterious and aloof business man who inherited two hotels on Anchor Island. One of the hotels needed to be renovated, and that where Callie Henderson comes in. Unbeknownst to many on the island, Callie and Sam have a complicated past together. And although she has some misgivings about working with Sam, Callie needed this job to establish herself professionally.

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This was another winner for me from Terri Osburn. I love her style of writing, her characters, the dialogue -- everything. Unlike previous characters from this series, Callie and Sam weren't Anchor Island lifers. They are outsiders essentially, but you see both of their characters being drawn to the island and its people.

The attraction between them coupled with their history made things complicated for both of them. Not only that Sam is intent on leaving the island as soon as he fulfills the stipulations of his Uncle Morty's will. Callie on the other hand fell in love with the island and found meaningful connections on the island.

Aside from Sam and Callie, we also get a glimpse of Sid (I love her!) and Lucas, Beth and Joe, Will and Randy and a few new characters. And that epilogue was just divine. I have to say Up to the Challenge is still my favorite among the four but this is still a great read. This book is definitely better than most of the other books out there.

This is fourth book from Terri Osburn, and definitely not my last. She writes stories that I want to read over and over again, so it's safe to say that I will read anything from this author.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.