A review by sixshooterguns
Soar, by Tracy Edward Wymer


I'm looking for a bird, but not just any old bird. I'm looking for Dad's golden eagle. And I'm not stopping until I find it.

Dad said it was the most magnificent, most spectacular bird he'd ever seen, and that's saying something, because Dad had seen more birds than John Audubon himself. And if you don't know who John Audubon was, he was like The Beatles of birding. Yeah, he was that famous.

Bought it from Big Bad Wolf and I fell in love with this book right from the first page. Probably it was the premise that stole my heart. Probably it was my bias with John Audubon. Probably it was the way the narrator explain who John Audubon was. Probably my longing with reading a middle-grader literature. Either way, I knew exactly I'm going to enjoy this book.

This book is the kind of book that I can recommend to everyone without having to know what kind of genre they enjoy. The plot is simple, but not necessarily boring. The pace is nice. The characters are pretty general for middle-grader literature, but you can grasp that each and every character has their own vibe. I also like how the writer decided to add small details to hint a character having crushes, also how the writer decided to describe the platonic love in the story.

Bottom line. I enjoyed it, and my favorite quote:

“I've never seen so many colorful feathers in one place. It makes me wonder about myself. Am I a colorful person?”