A review by annataeko
Shopping and F***ing by Mark Ravenhill


Can someone arrange a friendship between Cormac McCarthy, Mark Manson and Mark Ravenhill? I feel like they would get along quite well given how much their oeuvres have in common. It's very unlikely that I'd enjoy joining in, though.

Even though this is at first sight an uber-straight-forward and easy read, there is a sense of unity of effect closure wise. The play orbits around three main characters (and two more) who struggle to make ends meet. Although it presents a slice-of-life style, this is conveyed from the perspective of the underdogs in society. And because it does not specify the location, this can transcend to any first-world suburb.

SpoilerPTSD, capitalism, drug abuse, sex abuse (incest and paedophilia)

I'd highly recommend this book to be analysed in a Popular Culture or Ethics class.