A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
Coralina: The Nine Princesses by Anita Valle


This is a book where I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I had read the first book, Maelyn, and I thought it was alright. This book, however, is one of my favorites of 2013!

Coco is a character who I know I shouldn't like, but I did anyway. She is spoiled, a flirt, and she takes pleasure in breaking men's hearts. But you know what? I didn't care. Under all that, you could see through how she interacted with Pipsy that she was actually a decent human being. I identify more with Maelyn, but I enjoyed reading about Coralina more.

Gord....hmmm. I had mixed feelings about him. He was another interesting character, but I don't think I exactly liked him as much as I should have. The ending was definitely not a cliche romance ending, which may be the reason for my unfair feelings toward him. I liked his daughter, Pipsy, more than him.

At first, I thought the bandits would be sort of babyish. I mean, they were stealing hair! But, considering that, I thought that they were actually written pretty well. When I found out who the bandits were, it made even more sense and really added to the story.

The story kind of had an ending, it kind of didn't. A few things were resolved, and others seemed to be leading up to the next book, Heidel. And now that I've read Coralina, I am definitely reading Heidel!

I would definitely recommend you read this story. I don't think you need to read Maelyn to read this book, but I have a feeling Maelyn will be important later on in the series, so perhaps you should. It is a short, fun, read that is unexpectedly great!

This review can be found at http://myfullbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com/