A review by ltg584
Criminal Macabre by Steve Niles, Ben Templesmith


This could easily be someone's five star read, but it ended up being out of my comfort zone. Steve Niles has created a character who is both sarcastic and vile, which resulted in some seriously magical moments. Cal MacDonald is not your typical gumshoe. He attracts the bizarre. We're talking werewolves, vampires and ghouls. In fact, his partner Mo'Lock is a member of the undead. Is it any wonder Cal turns to drugs and alcohol on an hourly basis? Original, yes, but overall, I found the stories to all be relatively the same.
I received a copy of Criminal Macabre from Netgalley, although I don't think this is the one I read. There doesn't seem to be one here on Goodreads that fits it. It had the same cover, but was over 500 pages long.