A review by booksonawire
American Demon by Kim Harrison


I can't believe I'm giving a book in this series 3 stars?! I absolutely love this series, it remains my all-time favorite series. I was thrilled when I saw Rachel & Co were coming back. But...

It felt like it lost its sparkle. Ivy is getting written out with her own HEA, which good for her but her chemistry with Rach just feels like a break up. Al - my favorite demon EVER - spent so much of the book in seclusion while a new demon was introduced and he did NOTHING for me whatsoever lol. And I spent most of the book worrying about Jenks. He's now the oldest pixie alive and even he feels old. I think I screwed myself over because I found a mix CD from back in the day (2013) and the characters just feel like a far cry from then. And yes, I understand that they've grown and developed but it feels like they are ready to move on. And maybe I should too before Ms. Harrison succeeds in ripping my heart out. I love them all too much!