A review by thebookguru
A Kind of Spark by Elle McNicoll


Wholesome and pure and so beautiful and cute and just wonderful and lovely and really great to see such a brilliant Own Voices book about an autistic girl and about friendship and bullying and being true to yourself and yes autistic people and neurodivergent people shouldn’t have to mask to be accepted by society!

We should be celebrating our differences and making the world a more accessible place for everyone so everyone can feel safe and included.

We have a long way to go but I am glad this book exists and I most certainly cried! I loved Addie’s relationship with her Inter Keedie and any mention of Bonnie had me tearing up!

I’m glad Addie found a true friend in Audrey and you don’t have to change yourself to fit in your people will love you as you are!

All the stars!