A review by doyoudogear
Excalibur by Tini Howard, Vol. 1 by Marcus To, Tini Howard, Erick Arciniega


I'm having a really hard time getting into anything X-Men-related at the moment. It's all about Krakoa (some new island that only allows mutants to pass through its gates), an I just don't care. They're bringing long-dead characters back to life, the island provides everything they could possibly need, and bad guys are suddenly not-so-bad.

Take Apocalypse for example... he's a BAD DUDE. He always had been, and now he's helping out of the goodness of his heart? Does the island change personalities as well? It's too convenient, and not at all believable. Additionally, all of the Betsy Braddock/Psylocke business is beyond confusing. Writers should never assume that new readers will just know what's going on. They need to provide background information, drop hints, etc.

I think the King Arthur angle has been played out, and there's nothing new or original about this series. Saying it had a slow start would be a kindness, since it felt like the story was running in place. I was totally here for Rogue and Gambit (two of my favorites), but it seems like the author has decided to take our beloved couple in a new direction, and one that I'm not on board with. It simply didn't feel authentic. Where are Kelly Thompson and Tom Taylor? They know how to write good X-Men comics.