A review by darwin8u
One Times One by E.E. Cummings, George J. Firmage


a politician is an arse upon
which everyone has sat except a man.

E.E. Cummings, 1 x 1, "X"


Review these poems will
come tomorrow if, for
now cross-eye faced to
warm bed unmade with
duct tape (to increase
my chances thru 5+ hours)
shut I with a desperate
hope for rest (not eternal).

So heart keep beating find,
& lungs breathe God's 1st favor,
until and headaches blind
release me on good behavior.

Favorite Poem from this book:


all ignorance toboggans into know
and trudges up to ignorance again:
but winter’s not forever, even snow
melts; and if spring should spoil the game, what then?

all history’s a winter sport or three:
but were it five, i’d still insist that all
history is too small for even me;
for me and you, exceedingly too small.

Swoop (shrill collective myth) into thy grave
merely to toil the scale to shrillerness
per every madge and mabel dick and dave
–tomorrow is our permanent address

and there they’ll scarcely find us (if they do,
we’ll move away still further into now