A review by peachxslime
Broken Crowns by Lauren DeStefano


2.5 / 5 ⭐️

Overall I enjoyed this trilogy, however I feel like book two & three had a lot of extra fluff that could have been done without, and made into one book. Which would have left book 3 to really explore the futures of the characters (which may be in the works - a spin off series mayhaps? Although it’s been years so. .)

Book one was so visually pleasing and had so much wonder in it, that I felt was lost in the second & third books. I would have loved to experience “our” world through Morgan’s eyes. I also am confused what happened to Judas & Amy? They just kind of slowly disappeared from the story. I also wish that Birdie would have been brought back in, yes healing takes time but she felt like a new important character that just got left behind as well.
I think Lauren has beautiful writing and a way with words that I adore but I do feel like there were smaller snippets of her metaphors & comparisons in this book compared to the others.

I found myself having a hard time getting through this book because the wanderlust & magic of the worlds and all the curiosity was gone. It was all about war and who would come into power which felt like a world away from what the first book encapsulated.

This is my initial thoughts, I’ll probably add / update this after I’ve mulled everything over.