A review by kylieeason
Whore by Willow Aster


This was a rating I had to sit on for some of the morning, and I'm still not sure it's 4 star worthy.

The book as it stands is pretty good. If it was just placed as a fictional novel I'd probably recommend it, because Lilith is an amazing woman.
However, this is in the genre of romantic suspense, and I felt like both aspects were lacking. Very few times throughout the book did I get excited and ready to follow Lilith into the depths of whatever was about to happen, I wasn't kept on edge and I wasn't biting my nails waiting for the other shoe to drop.

When you think romance you think big gestures, swoon worthy moments, and (unfortunately) a lot of sex. None of that really was present here either.

Outside of those missing elements, this book is a great girl power read. Lilith is a whore at her most central level. It's all she's known, and all she's ever thought she'd be. But as the story progresses you see little changes in her, leading up to the grand finale (end of the story). I love her. I respect her, and I aspire to have even 1/4 of the strength she portrayed and carried. I would definitely be interested in a follow up story with her as the center.