A review by sjj169
The Dragons of Heaven by Alyc Helms


Nobody becomes an adventure hero by accident. For me, it started with a revival showing of "Big Trouble in Little China" at the opening of the rebuilt Pagoda Palace in North Beach. Big Trouble ranked as one of my favorite movies of all time, and I roped a crew into going on the strength of my enthusiasm. Who can pass up the chance to see Kurt Russell as Jack Burton? Plus, spunky Kim Catrall. Yowza!
(Yes, Kim Cattrall's name is spelled wrong but my copy is an arc.)

Now this sounds like a fun book. Misty Masters grandfather was the vigilante superguy named Mr. Mystic. He leaves his powers to her and the best I can figure she can control the shadows. I know at one point the book says that she can cloak her features with his fedora. She does so because she uses a male disguise.
Superheroes? I love them. Asian lore? Love it.

This book? Not. I didn't finish it because I was starting to get a headache from it. I can't figure out what the hell is going on. It starts on one topic and randomly jumps to another. One paragraph might be talking about one thing and then the next something completely different.

Then the amount of characters. I can't even. I have no clue where they are coming from or the point of them even being in the story. ARgghghh!
So, I gave up on this book. Life is too short for me to spend time on books that I do not want to read. Or I will start looking like this on a regular basis.