A review by nightshade_novels
The Godmakers by Frank Herbert


Well this one was no Dune, it was still interesting though. You can see many of the ideas forming that would eventually be expanded upon and become part of the Dune universe. For this reason alone I enjoyed it more than I probably would have otherwise.

This book was expanded from four short stories and unfortunately it shows. The sections of the story, while connected are very different and in some cases feel like they could be about separate characters rather than all following Orne. The jumping around means the story isn't as cohesive as you'd like. I'm still unsure exactly what the full story of what I read was.

Each chapter began with a short paragraph that is relevant to but separate from the main story. This was very reminiscent of the way the Dune books are written. In fact the whole book had that writing style that is just so typically Frank Herbert, and which I really enjoy.

My favourite part of this book was the first section where Orne is a newly trained member of R&R on his first posting in Hamal and has his first run in with the I-A. I really enjoyed the world building here and there was some interesting commentary on societies.

Overall it was really interesting to read more of Herbert's work outside of the Dune universe. And I would like to read more of his works in the future.