A review by melissasfandomworld
Heartbreaker by Inara Scott


I love love love reading romance stories that have animals present in them, preferable dogs and horses. So when I got the opportunity to read an arc of this one, I couldn't pass up on it. It didn't take me long to finish this book.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Mistakes? She’s made a few…

Dropped out of high school? Check. Ran away with loser boyfriend at age sixteen? Check. Fell for every line from every guy? Sadly, check. But now, Tess Papion has started over. Juggling multiple part-time jobs while finishing her college degree, she’s not letting anything get in her way. Especially not a sexy angel investor with “one-night disaster” written all over him.

Mason Coleman just inherited a 200-pound invalid Mastiff—and an intriguing, unusual, and thoroughly infuriating dog nanny who turns his life upside down the moment she steps through his front door. No matter how she makes him feel Mason doesn’t do commitment—so what happens when he falls for her? And worse, what happens when she wants nothing to do with him?

To be honest, it wasn't the most original story. I don't mind reading stories that aren't original, don't mind it at all, if characters and the romance are well written down. This was the case in this book. Somehow it didn't wow me as much overall, not in the way I was hoping for beforehand, but I still liked reading it nonetheless.

Remark: There's the fact that there's a lot of miscommunication happening in this book, which is something I often experience as frustrating. This was the case in this one as well for me, from time to time. Unfortunately. I know not everyone minds this as much in a story as I do maybe, but it's a peeve of mine I guess so that's definitely a personal opinion on the matter. Don't let yourself being held back by this opinion of mine, because you may end up not feeling like this at all of course. 

The characters
I really liked the set of characters in this book, both humans and the dogs.
Tess, our female lead character was quite relatable and I always like that. She's stubborn/headstrong, hard working and independent. This left me quite frustrated from time to time, when she was being a stubborn mule yet again, lol, but I also admired her for it as well. She's such a strong character! But I really liked it as well, when she opens up to Mason. She was in need of finding someone to be her anchor, aside from her best friend, and reading about this was a joy.

Then we have this male lead character, called Mason: He's such a frigging sweetheart and I loved him right from the very first page. I always like reading from dual pov's and Mason's thoughts were such a joy to read about and a great addition to the book in general. I love how willing he is to go after what he wants. I love how good of a friend he is to the other characters in the book. He's just a really good guy and I sometimes really felt sorry for him when Tess was being stubborn and kept shutting him out or not believing him when he was trying his damnest to do good by her. Yeah, Mason stole my heart and could do no wrong to me haha.

I loved the presence of the supportive characters. The friendships in this book were fun to read about and have me craving more. The dogs were fun to read about, although I sometimes felt like things were being left a bit superficial. Not enough of the dogs' character traits came to surface to my liking though. I prefer, when there's an animal present in a story, there's just more 'presence' of the animal you know? They are present physically but they aren't always Really 'present' you know? - God, I suck with words, lol.

The Romance
The chemistry and attraction between the two characters was really palpable and believable, which only adds up to a well developed romance being present. The pace of the development wasn't always to my liking though, but I'm known for being too greedy sometimes, lol. I like a well developed romance, but to be honest, sometimes it felt things dragged on a tiny bit too long, you know?

To me, the romance in the first part of the book was more enjoyable than the second part of the book. I liked the way the characters met, their chemistry and their banter. I liked how they were slowly falling in love with one another. But towards the end there were some developments that just weren't always fully to my liking, like the dragging part for example.

I really liked this romance though, overall. I like that there's friendship first for example, while they're both also trying to fight off their attraction to one another as well. In general, when there's friendship first, I think the base of the developing romance is just a tad more well developed in my opinion and that was also palpable in this romance development in my opinion.

Overall, it's definitely a story I enjoyed reading. It's definitely a book I'd recommend to other romance readers out there who like a cute, light and sexy romance.

It was fast-paced, it had likable characters, it had DOGS and what's not to love about them right?!, it had a cute romance and I really liked the writing style of this author. It was a perfect in between romance book for me that I really enjoyed reading overall. It's probably not one that I'll remember down the road but that's okay though. The most important part to me is that I enjoy a book While reading it and that's something I did with this one.

This author has left me curious and excited to read more of her work. I'd really love to read a book that's about some of the supportive characters for example, since they were so much fun to read about as well!

Thanks for reading!