A review by lorilaws
Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson


Oh, you guys! I’m so in love. So. In. Love. Since You’ve Been Gone was the perfect book to start my summer reading list with and to pull me out of a horrible reading funk. (Thanks April for that suggestion)

I adored Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour just like everyone else, but I had some mixed feelings about Morgan Matson’s second novel, Second Chance Summer. I didn’t know exactly what I was going to get with this one. It didn’t take me very long to realize I was falling in love.

Emily was such a fantastic character. Her transformation throughout the story was spectacular. I could relate to Emily so well as I’m a shy person and I often stand back and let others handle situations. It was like looking back a 17 year old me. Her development into the confident person she was by the end of the book felt natural. I loved watching it happen.

The friendships in the book also stood out to me. Sloane and Emily had a wonderful friendship but I liked that it was flawed. All the new friends Emily made over the summer were also excellent. I felt a connection to each one of them; they were so well done.

Now let’s get to Frank Porter, shall we? I haven’t swooned that hard for a fictional boy in a long time. He was just so prefect…sigh. I liked that Emily had a impression of him being some know it all goody goody that she had to get over. I looooved the way they fell for each other, slowly. I love a good slow burn romance. Everything about romance was just spot on.

Since You’ve Been Gone was the prefect example of what I want in a Summer read. So if you don’t already have it on your summer read list (unlikely, I know) add it as soon as possible. You won’t regret it.