A review by meghanreadsmm
Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey


Well, this story starts off with a pretty good beginning. But towards the middle of the plot, when it really gets going, I pretty much wanted to strangle the MC because he didn't develop his thinking. When he learned new information about characters, he did not seem to adjust his judgements of their moral characteristics (trustworthiness, bravery, cowardice, loyalties) from the new input. Because of that, it felt like almost every critical choice he made was really obviously stupid, and this happened over and over. I think if there had been a brief description of the MC's logic for why the MC would disregard the most obvious choices, it might have alleviated my frustration. But that also would have lengthened the book quite a bit. A couple of other issues I had were that parts of it really seemed like they were forced in to the story so sometimes the pacing seemed off or the scene transitions were a tiny bit abrupt. Also and the version I read was a 2nd or 3rd edition and there were a few blatant editing mistakes. It really was a small number but they still caused some stumbling in my reading.