A review by wtb_michael
In Certain Circles by Elizabeth Harrower


I was a bit apprehensive about reading this - the awful, powerful of bleakness of [b:The Watch Tower|2497026|The Watch Tower|Elizabeth Harrower|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1335598702l/2497026._SY75_.jpg|2504346] still haunts me a bit. Thankfully for my mental health, In Certain Circles is a slightly lighter book. It still deals with Harrower's themes: power and privilege; the porous boundaries between love, pity and abuse; how we should live. The shifting perspectives are well handled - Anna and Zoe are great characters and are the real heart of the novel, while Russel and Steven were a bit less richly developed. I'm so glad that Text reissued a bunch of Harrower's books a few years back and that they finally got this one into print.