A review by dame_samara
Across the Tracks: Remembering Greenwood, Black Wall Street, and the Tulsa Race Massacre by Alverne Ball


I have mixed feeling on being critical towards the how in depth Ball goes into "Greenwood, Black Wall Street, and the Tulsa Race Massacre", being a very white person, who hadn't known about this piece of history until roughly two years ago. But I felt like this didn't have the impact it could have.

I was surprised that Barnes and Noble has this listed a book recommended for those between 12 and 18. Because the way this book is presented reminds me of the non-fiction books I consumed between 8-12.

This reminds me of those pieces of non-fiction because it feels incredibly surface level, and while in an accessible form. It reads incredibly similarly to reading a textbook, where nothing is delved into to deeply, we don't get any first hand accounts from people. It is just information. That will likely need more follow up information provided with it.