A review by litpages3
Bedrock Faith by Eric Charles May


I picked this up for the #ReadSoullit group read for February. I had never heard of the book, neither the author but I'm glad it was chosen.

Bedrock Faith is a story about a neighborhood, the people and its daily issues/gossip. It showcases the in and outs of daily living. With it comes gossip, drama, revenge and relationship both good and bad. Everyone knows everything about everyone and everything, not a secret untold which made this a fun read. Stew Pot returns from prison to the old neighborhood. The neighborhood people didn't like him as the mischievous bad ass child that he was and are not fond of him when he returns, always keeping that eye on him.

The book got to a certain point and then I thought, lets get Stew, let's get to the part where the neighborhood pays him back for what he's done. This took a turn that I didn't anticipate. I just knew things would be handled differently and they didn't. Needless to say there were several things that I didn't anticipate. In turn, I think my attitude towards this particular character changed and I find myself feeling a bit sorry for him, why I'm not so sure. Maybe it's because as Vernon Paiger said, "he's human."

The book was a fun read, one that made me laugh out loud and made me think about the gossip that I've been involved in or those surrounding me. It shows how said gossip affects others because often times I don't think we think of how others are affected by it therefore I think this book illustrates that very well.