A review by satchelpaige
Shady Depths by B.L. Brown


MM with a Twist

I received an ARC of this book for my honest review.

Going into the book I had not read the blurb and only had a few of the tropes to go off of. I knew this was MM, dealt with a merman and witches, was urban fantasy, and some mystery elements. I was intrigued and was ready to dive in!

The beginning portion of the book is a little difficult to grasp at first with the strong dialect of the MMC Keir and the various languages used, including spells. There isn’t a pronunciation guide and I found myself having to translate quite a bit. There’s also the world building accruing in introducing us to C.R.O.W., which is basically a task force of witches of varying skills (also another part that isn’t straight up explained but you’re able to get the idea of them as you go through the book). Having a guide/glossary for future books would definitely be helpful in keeping track of everything.

With that being said, as a debut novel, B.L. Brown gives us a pretty solid footing for subsequent novellas and the first book in the series. We follow in third person, but it is easy to read and keep up with characters as they are introduced.

Keir has a history of shacking up with various desecrants (other mythical beings outside of witches) while on the job, and it’s no surprise when he starts to fall for a mysterious “not-human”. There is instant attraction and steam between them. Keir’s co-witch, Toby is on the job with him and essentially his best friend. As they hunt down the mysterious Lorelei, things start to get interesting. Keir discovers his “not-human” is actually a merman. Réalta is everything Keir has never experienced before: being dominated, loved and cared for, an attentive lover, and someone who anchors him when his darkness starts to take control. The spice is kicked up a notch and let me tell you, was hot! Definitely a new read for me as a merman taking Keir in the water!

Then all of a sudden all heck breaks out and the plot twist was not on my radar and the ending was a surprise. The Epilogue fast forwards 2 years and shows POV from Lou, Keir’s sister. That last line just threw me and now I want to know more!