A review by theresidentbookworm
Hawkeye #14 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Julian Tedesco


The Best Of: Hawkeye #14

1. Clint rightly being confused that all of Kate's friends are hanging out at Hawkeye Investigations when she isn't there.

2. Clint's comment echoing Jessica's comment about sidekicks: "Like sidekicks? Kate has three sidekicks? I mean, that's a lot . Way too many, some might say."

3. Clint teaming up with Kate's friends to find out where she is and them being perpetually aggravated with his lack of a plan.

4. The flashback scene with teenaged Kate and her mom. It's absolutely heartbreaking and extremely relatable because there are things everyone can't understand about their parents until they are older and know more.

Spoiler Kate getting to see her mom again.

6. Madame Masque's question about Kate's costume that we've all always wondered: "Although, while I have you here, what's up with the hip holes? I mean, is she just really into her hip bones or what?"

Spoiler Kate's refusal to kill Clint in exchange for bringing her mom back because Clint is family too, and you sacrifice anything for family.

8. Kate pointing out how extremely stupid Clint's plan is, and Clint kind of shrugging because he clearly didn't think this through.

9. Eden and Madame Masque teaming up like everyone knew they would.

10. Kate glaring at Clint while he just says, "Aw, no."