A review by rachel_abby_reads
The Golden City by J. Kathleen Cheney


This book is set in an alternate Portugal of 1902. Oriana is a mermaid living as a spy in the capital of Southern Portugal, when someone attempts to murder her and her noble mistress. She is able to escape, but her friend isn't. She then decides (because of painful back history never clearly explained) that she will find the person responsible and make him/her/them pay. On her journey, she encounters Duilio Ferreira, a noble half-blood who is also hunting for the killer. They are brought together by fate and inclination to solve this mystery.

***Spoilers after this point***

It was interesting, mostly well-written, and perhaps a little longer than it really needed to be, with multiple conspiracies and side stories being woven in with varying degrees of success. She seems to have been influenced by Regency romance novels (Georgette Heyer style), for while she does describe feelings of arousal, neither of the main characters even kiss by the end of the book. She's set herself up for a sequel, and I'm interested enough in the story and what happens next to be annoyed that I'm going to have to wait for her to write it before I can read it.