A review by hmh
Zizzle Literary 2 by Amber Logan, Zizzle Literary, Nicole Crucial, Sudha Balagopal, Susan Sundwall, Amanda Yskamp, Jeremy Schnee, Merrill Joan Gerber, David Galef, Amy Aves Challenger, Gargi Mehra


I received a free copy through Goodreads Giveaways.

This collection of ten stories is awesome. Each story is marked as “easy” (yellow), “less easy” (green) and “not so easy” (red). These are marked in the table of contents and at the beginning of the story, even the pages are the color of the difficulty. Between stories you’ll read inspiring quotes from authors and beautiful pictures from this issue’s author. At the end of the book is a short bio of each author, and a snippet about why they wrote their story. Than after that they explain their favorite childhood books.

This is a beautiful book. The cover and art inside is captivating and conjures up stories in your mind just on their own.

The age range is pretty accurate. My oldest is 6 and maybe one or two of the stories would be good for her to hear. The rest have words or concepts that would need explaining. However, as an adult, I loved each and every story.