A review by reading_rainy
Soul Eater, by Lily Mayne


*4.5* This was an excellent post-apocalyptic, fantasy, MM romance, featuring monsters, in a dystopian landscape.

After a brutal, one-sided battle, the US military captures a demon/monster called Wyn, the Soul Eater. Monsters are killing humans, sometimes a large group is killed and sometimes only one person in a family, and the government wants to know why.

A young cadet, Danny, is tasked with finding the answers to the killings.
Trying to govern monsters by human laws and moral codes just felt…wrong. It felt like a judge sentencing a lion to prison for killing a gazelle.
I was so taken with these two characters and their beautiful and unusual relationship. I loved the world building, I loved the character arcs, and I just loved their overall relationship!
I was unspeakably happy. Happier than I've ever been, even though I was roaming the Wastes with a death monster, scavenging for food in abandoned towns and sleeping in dusty old motels.
A couple of the intimate scenes are a little confusing. Wyn has an innie and an outie, so to speak, in the same location. Despite the confusion about Wyn's anatomy, the scenes are smokin hot and incredibly intimate and sweet.

I loved the somewhat crabby Wyn.
“ I don’t know what humans need. You need so many things to stay alive, it’s pathetic.”
And yet he has this softer side that’s so sweet.
“I want you all the time, Danny Sullivan,” His nose nudged mine. “My sweet human,” he murmured.
The story features some heavy violence, and some on-page torture scenes that can be very difficult to read, so check TW. Highly recommended for fans of monster romance, in a dystopian setting, featuring a beautiful MM slow burn. The story is told from Danny’s POV and has a HEA/HFN.