A review by books_by_the_bottle
The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland


Alice is having the wedding of her dreams to Seth, the man that she loves. But as she walks down the aisle with her father, she doesn’t recognize the man waiting for her at the altar. He is not the Seth she knows; in fact, she is scared and repulsed by him. Even more troubling: everyone else thinks she is losing it, because they recognize him. Seth is understandably shaken up but tries to give Alice some time. But Alice’s world falls apart; her parents don’t understand what is happening with her, and even her closest friends are convinced the man at the altar was the real Seth. Panicked and confused, Alice sets out to find the truth: just who is this imposter and why doesn’t anyone else realize he isn’t the real Seth?

Talk about a psychological thriller! This was a unique and fun read - one where I did NOT see anything that was coming and I love when that happens! You could feel Alice’s panic and confusion, and then there was another menacing point of view from a character that the reader didn’t know. Told in past and present timelines, we got to see how Alice and Seth met, fell in love and how all the characters around them fit into their story. Though a slow-burn, I found this to be quite the page turner and I was blown away by the ending!

Thank you to Amazon First Reads and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC! “The Silent Bride” releases June 1!