A review by rtimmorris
These Great Affects by Andrew Toy, Kyle Richardson, Ryan Tim Morris


Terrific YA read, with a magical-realism twist. Adelle meets Trill, who's different from all the other boys she's met. Different enough to fall for. But of course that's when he's got to go and break his neck and die. Ouch. That escalated quickly.
If it sounds like I'm giving too much away, I'm really not: this is when the story really starts for Adelle. You see, Trill makes a return in her life in the form of a ghost that only she can see/talk to.
Words are had. Feelings are re-examined. Lives (and afterlives) are questioned.
It's a great novel for anyone who's trying to fit in in this world, which is pretty much anyone. Don't pretend. You know that's you.
As a sweet bonus, THESE GREAT AFFECTS includes a separate story by yours truly. My own short work of fiction - LACUNA MISPLACED - can be found at the beginning. So now you really have no excuse to not pick up a copy today.