A review by xterminal
Lucifer, Vol. 6: Mansions of the Silence by Dean Ormston, Ryan Kelley, Peter Gross, Mike Carey, David Hahn


Mike Carey, Lucifer: Mansions of the Silence (Vertigo, 2004)

Lucifer sets a crew to Naglfar to journey to the Mansions of the Silence, where Elaine and Mona's spirits are in torment. No, it seems Elaine's storyline is not yet finished, though a good number of loose ends get tied up in this volume. What really impresses me about Carey's series, as impressed me about Gaiman's before this, is how many surprises can be packed into each volume; this is heavy stuff, it is, and Carey always seems to strike on just the right plot twist to pull a few more surprises out of his hat. Great stuff. ****