A review by arwenauthor
Ark Baby, by Liz Jensen


I found this book languishing on a book shelf and realised I hadn't ever read it (or even remembered obtaining it!). Poor book. So it had to be read (although I have many MANY books that I really need to be reading).

Now, this is a very strange book. It involves three different timescales which become clearly intertwined as the stories continues. The mad idea of a King wanting an ark like Noah's with one of each creature, but in stuffed form. So a key protagonist is a taxidermist. As is his disappointing daughter who is overweight from her great love of cooking exotic meats that come from this Noah's ark. Who then becomes a vegetarian.

It is such a bizarre book. The only thing I can even vaguely compare it to is 'Good Omens.' That sounds like a strange comparison, but it's oddly apt. It's not as well written, but if you enjoyed GO then I reckon you'd enjoy this.

Not really my type of book (same with GO), but I can definitely see the appeal.