A review by dana_dew
A Farewell to Charms by Molly Harper


It's hard to differentiate my feelings for this book from the series as a whole as this book was the series finale, if you will. I don't want to be too spoilery but honestly--- if you are thinking of reading/listening to this one and have Not read/listened to all the others, I would dissuade you from doing so.

Sure it is a stand alone story and you may very well enjoy it, but knowing all the characters in play from the previous books- and how Alex (one of the protagonists) has been friend-zoned over & over throughout the series--- well, I just think that a deeper appreciation is to be had if you save this book for last.

I do recommend this series and Molly Harper (author)....oh and Amanda Ronconi (narrator) in general.

I give both this book and series 4☆'s.