A review by alwroteabook
Malefic by Ambrose Ibsen


A family believes their house to be haunted and turns to their uncle for help. Said uncle, Marcel, arrives at the house, and finding nothing amiss initially, endeavours to explain things by more rational means. But Marcel is no hardened cynic, and very much believes in ghosts, as he has contact with his dead wife. The spooks finally materialise, and they are as bad, if not worse, than previously advertised. Marcel sets out to discover who is haunting the house , and why, and it leads him down a rabbit hole of twists and turns that leads to a surprising end.

I haven't read part one of the book, but this seemed to work well as a standalone. The plot isn't particularly novel, but has some interesting turns. There were some nice touches, like the wife haunting a fountain pen, and they communicate through writing each other. This was an audio version, and the narrator did a good job adding life to Marcel. The story is pretty good, although not particularly scary, and it's reads more like a detective story as Marcel investigates the case.

Pretty good. Somewhere between 3-3.5 stars.