A review by kfriend
The Kyler Collection: The Kennedy Boys Books 1 - 3 by Siobhan Davis


Oh my Kennedy family loving heart! I love the drama, all the angst- and after an epic journey full of drama and emotional growth, we’ve reached the end of Kyler and Faye’s books. Siobhan has created such an energy around this family- that curious fascination that has me as obsessed with this family as the world around them. I can’t wait for future stories, but Kyler is going to be hard to beat.

This has everything I love about this series- over the top drama, delicious steam, deep emotional connections between our leads, and the quirky, loyal force of nature that is the Kennedy brood. The story picks up right where left our pair- with Kyler on the hunt for answers and Faye determined to support him. The dynamics have changed- they are in the public eye now, secrets are out in the open, and they can finally exist as a pair without either of those obstacles between them.

Faye and Kyler are the ultimate soulmates. I feel their connection, their love DEEP in my soul, and this is my favorite part of their journey- perhaps because we get to see them just BE together finally. They’ve been through so much to get there, and now they can focus on solidifying their relationship vs. the push-pull they’ve been in and the way they’ve had to hide. I’ve always loved Faye, and she continues to shine here. She’s strong and patient, determined and resilient. She’s willing to fight for what she wants, but she does it with love and empathy. And Kyler- OH my Kyler, you have my whole heart now. Siobhan is the QUEEN of taking flawed heroes and stripping them bare- exposing what makes them so flawed, And then once we’ve seen their beating heart, she works her magic- she redeems them for their flaws, gives them meaningful opportunities to grow and evolve as men, but also as partners. And that is the best part of this whole book for me- seeking Kyler vulnerable, open to both us and Faye. He stopped pushing Faye away, and he starts pulling her in- he gives her trust in action, he treats her as his partner.

I also just LOVE this whole Kennedy crew, and I can’t wait to see how they evolve over time. While the story is definitely focused on our couple, the ensemble element adds such richness to the story - and always makes for some of my favorite parts of the books.

Siobhan continues to earn my undying one-clicks with this series. Drama, intensity, secrets and danger- and at the center, a passionate and captivating epic love story that I’m utterly addicted to- I’m hoping to get to see much of Faye and Kyler in future stories, because I will never get enough of this couple!