A review by lionchasing
The Shadow's Servant by Justin Swapp


What an enjoyable follow up to [b:The Magic Shop|28681256|The Magic Shop (Shadow Magic #1)|Justin Swapp|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1453570786l/28681256._SX50_.jpg|25311899]! I struggled a bit with the first book largely because I'm not quite the target audience, but it still left me interested to see where these characters would go and The Shadow's Servent does not disappoint.

What I liked: The self-aware nod to frustrating choices by the grandparents in the first book (still maintain they're the villains!),
quickly leaving the grandparents behind in this book!
, high adventure, Steve Barnes' narration grew on me from book 1 to 2, an interesting and conflicted cast of characters who in a few cases are more than just their archetypes, and the end leaves me wanting more.

There wasn't a whole lot I didn't like in this book, in fact, it redeemed a bit of what I didn't like about the first book. Pretty solid 4.5 stars for a likable YA fantasy and would selectively recommend to fantasy-loving middle-grade teens.

Note: I received a free copy of the audio book with encouragement for an honest review, and picked up the kindle edition separately.