A review by nerdyrev
Anvil Soul by David O'Sullivan


Whenever I review for NetGalley, I will put on the bottom of my page- "I received this for free in exchange for an honest review." Today, like always, I am going to abide by those statements that I now don't have to put on the bottom because they are right there at the top.

Anvil Soul was such a difficult book for me because the premise was great- a priest witnesses a fellow priest sexually assault a small boy. The boy hangs himself later. As the main priest tells his higher up about what he witnessed, he is told that no one really likes him and they want him out of the town. As our protagonist wanders, he continues to see his fellow priest molesting children, but starts to hear the town turn against him. The rumor starts to spread that it wasn't the sexually molesting well liked priest, but rather our protagonist whom the town dislikes. Mob mentality rules as our protagonist also gets closer to a young woman.

The premise was great. The problem was the writing. It wasn't very well written. I hate to state that because I know what it is like to pour one's time into a book, but I have to be truthful. The sentences could have used some fattening and the sense of emotion was just missing from this book. I kept thinking, if I were in this situation, I would be freaking out a little about what to do, but our protagonist seemingly has no emotion as he walks through this situation. That is what made it difficult. Great story, but emotionless writing ruined it a bit.

I gave this one 2.5 stars.