A review by rebus
Prague by Arthur Phillips


Amazingly, many people on this site found this to be difficult reading. That says more about the educational level of the average reader than this fine book. Much in the manner of Whit Stillman or Bret Easton Ellis, Phillips excoriates the upper classes and the ugly American syndrome while still saying a great deal about Europe. 

I suppose it would be difficult for those who have no knowledge or interest in history or geopolitics and who can't manage to get through Thomas Pynchon or David Foster Wallace. One of the few worthy novels since the early 90s, proving once again that the last great novelists all come from Gen X, while the Millennials have yet to produce even one good author (obsessed with moronic fantasy and sci fi and the utterly bankrupt process of world building). The real world is far more interesting than any being built by the idiots in the younger generations.