A review by revengelyne
Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet by John Bradshaw


Three years ago, I found this little lady in the middle of the street:

Tyger Lily

My neighbor had abandoned her when they moved and she seemed to be looking for a forever home. My first meeting with her had been the night prior to my birthday when I found her on top of my trashcan. It wasn't until that morning when I went outside again that I found her in the middle of the street hungry. I had learned from earlier childhood experiences that cats were not the nicest animals and had preferred dogs as companions but there was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. It seemed that she knew I needed someone. I had just lost my dog of nineteen years and I was still grieving for her but Lily brought the light back into my life.

Three years has passed and I am still relatively new to having a cat. I have done numerous of research on cat owning but most of the websites have been repetitive. And although I have asked friends on their experiences, I have learned that each experience is different. Still they did not give me quite enough insight into being a new cat momma.

This book gave me an honest look into the history of cat domestication as mouse hunters in homes to what to honestly expect when having a cat. From the information provided, I learned to be a bit more confident with her.

If you are a new cat owner, I recommend you read this book.