A review by gabi90
We Still Live by Sara Dobie Bauer


The beginning and ending of this book was great. It's about the aftermath of a school shooting. What happens to those who are alive. How each individual is dealing with the events, the loss of loved ones, and the overall tragic event. This part was great. I loved it.

The middle is about Isaac, who just moved to the city. And he comes with baggage. His ex (who isn't really his ex, but he's boyfriend) shows up, and... well... some things happen I didn't like... yeah, overall that middle part was complicated and confusing for me. I understood some of the ex's behavior, jealousy can make you do things that you normally wouldn't, but I have my doubts about Simon, he seemed a little too out of it. A little crazy.

I found it annoying that Isaac constantly pointed it out that John isn't his type. Clearly he was into John physically, he liked him as a person too, so what if John doesn't look like someone he would usually go for?! I didn't understand why this needed to be said over and over... until Simon showed up. Yeah John and Simon were totally different.

I have to say that upon meeting John, I immediately halted, because before I picked up the book I thought he would be a somber, quiet but confident guy with a typical, impeccable teacher appearance. Instead there was this laid-back, totally cool young guy. I can only blame myself for thinking that though.

Anyway. I totally bought the connection, the chemistry between the MCs, even though at times it felt too sudden, other times it was slow. I loved the affection. These two were constantly touching each other (when not in public).

So I found the drama with the ex too much, otherwise it's a really good book.