A review by vanquishingvolumes
Bloodsucker City by Jim Towns


My sincere thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to read this book via a digital arc.

An innocent woman is found guilty of the murder of her beloved little boy, and is sentenced to the local women’s penitentiary for the crime. Called Bloodsucker City - this prison is known for sucking out any remaining hope from its wards as they serve out their sentences. Between gangs of women, cruel guards, and horrible punishments - she finds herself even more terrified of the seven Wards of this prison. Lurking over the women, these men seem to be everywhere at once. And an innocent woman can only take so much before her mind turns to the one thing every prisoner dreams of but rarely attempts - escape.

Orange is the New Black meets Dracula in this fast paced gory little horror novel. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this book, and am happy to say that the cover does not disappoint!