A review by patmcbau
What We Never Say: Bold Journeys Book One by Paulette Stout


Arc Book Review
What We Never Say
A Novel Written By Paulette Stout
Fiction - Drama
Published 2022
343 Pages

This book deals with a very serious issue- sexual abuse/assault.

Rebecca Sloane and Kyle Dillon are the two main characters. One of them is a victim of sexual assault which has been kept a secret. Despite living together and being in a relationship, the victim has not revealed the secret to the other. There is a focus on the shame and guilt victims of sexual assault/abuse face. The victim finally receives therapy after being honest about the assault. The abuser is in a high profile powerful position. This makes revealing the abuser difficult. To complicate matters, the other partner in this relationship starts to work for the abuser.

The author should be applauded for taking on a difficult subject matter in this book. There were a few subplot lines occurring in this book - family wedding, cranky bride to be. I’m not sure all were necessary.

“…some secrets are poison. Best to lance and flush out, so healing can begin.”
“Evil needs only for good men to do nothing.”